Why use toxic skincare if nature provides us with much more potent
antibacterial agents with minimal if any side effects? Embrace tea tree oil. One of the most effective natural antibacterial treatments, tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
distilled from tea tree plant growing in Australia, is a natural
antiseptic, which has been used for centuries years to treat skin
infections, cold and flu, oral thrush, cold sores, gum infections, bowel
parasites, head lice, mosquito bites, herpes, sunburn, and even vaginal
yeast infections.
Tea tree oil naturally contains terpinen-4-ol which is responsible
for most of the scientifically investigated antimicrobial activity of
this essential oil.
If you feel uncomfortable burning, itching, scaling or redness when
using tea tree oil, try this trick: dilute the oil in water, pour the
mixture into a cool pack, and put it into a freezer. Being lighter than
water, tea tree oil will form a thin layer on top the ice cube. Couple
of hours later you will have a week supply of fragrant ice cubes which
you can rub on your skin fearlessly. In addition, ice will reduce
redness and swelling, so the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil
will reach the depth of your skin in their full potency.
Be careful not to freeze your face, so your skin becomes numb. Even
though the area will seem pale and even lifeless, it will soon become
pink and even glowing due to the extra blood supply that your body sends
to the treated area.
source :http://thegreenbeautyguide.com